Ubiquiti UDM Pro as a Wireguard VPN server

I've been using Wireguard for a few months now, and the performance has been great, with zero stability issues.

I started by using a virtual machine for the Wireguard server, and once I got the configuration ironed out, then moved it to a Docker instance.

I later discovered that my Ubiquiti Ultimate Dream Machine Pro (UDM Pro), supports Wireguard, so I decided to move it from the Docker container to the UDM Pro.

I found that, at least for my network setup, a lot of the instructions provided were unnecessary, and the actual configuration was pretty simple on the UDM.

My network / setup

I have what I think is a common home network.

  • My ISP provides a modem, which is set to passthrough mode (no routing).

  • I've connected the modem to my UDP Pro's WAN port, and the UDM gets a public IP from the modem.

  • Any networks on the LAN side of the UDM are private RFC1918 addresses.

  • There are under 10 people that will be connecting to the Wireguard VPN.

  • Users that connect will either have access to all devices/resources on the network, or will be limited to only a few IPs for specific resources (Plex server, printer, file server).

Configure the UDM Pro as a Wireguard VPN server

These are the steps I used to install and configure the Wireguard VPN server

Install udm-boot

To survive reboots and firmware updates on the UDM, Boostchicken has a package, udm-boot, that can be installed to automatically run a shell script(s) at S95 anytime your UDM starts / reboots.

  • SSH into your UDM Pro

  • Switch to the UniFi shell

    unifi-os shell
  • Download the boot scripts:

    curl -L https://udm-boot.boostchicken.dev -o udm-boot_1.0.5_all.deb
  • Install the boot scripts:

    dpkg -i udm-boot_1.0.5_all.deb
  • Exit out of the UniFi shell (this is important!):


Install Wireguard on the UDM

  • Download the tar file:
curl -LJo wireguard-kmod.tar.Z https://github.com/tusc/wireguard-kmod/releases/download/v01-22-22/wireguard-kmod-01-22-22.tar.Z

Always check this link for the latest release.

  • Extract the files to /mnt/data/:

    tar -C /mnt/data -xvzf wireguard-kmod.tar.Z
  • Make the setup_wireguard.sh script executable:

    chmod +x /mnt/data/wireguard/setup_wireguard.sh
  • In the setup_wireguard.sh script, make sure LOAD_BUILTIN is set to 0 to force loading the external (and usually more up to date) kernel module:

    grep "^LOAD_BUILTIN" /mnt/data/wireguard/setup_wireshark.sh
  • Run the setup_wireguard.sh script:


Running the setup_wireguard.sh script setups up the symbolic links for the various binaries to the /usr/bin path as well as create a symlink for the /etc/wireguard folder and finally load the kernel module.

  • Verify the kernel module loaded:

    [   34.033392] wireguard: WireGuard 1.0.20211208 loaded. See www.wireguard.com for information.
    [   34.033396] wireguard: Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Jason A. Donenfeld <Jason@zx2c4.com>. All Rights Reserved.

Configure Wireguard to survive reboots/firmware upgrades

cp /etc/wireguard/setup_wireguard.sh /mnt/data/on_boot.d/

Configure Wireguard to bring up the wg0 tunnel on boot

echo "wg-quick up wg0" >> /mnt/data/on_boot.d/setup_wireguard.sh

Generate the Wireguard server's public/private keys

cd /etc/wireguard
wg genkey | tee privatekey | wg pubkey > publickey

Create the Wireguard server's configuration file in /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf

Address =
SaveConfig = true
PrivateKey = <server's privatekey>
ListenPort = 51820

PublicKey = <client's publickey>
AllowedIPs =

Client configuration file

If you've made it this far, you know how to create a client's private/public keys, and the resulting configuration will look like this:

Address =
PrivateKey = <client's privatekey>

PublicKey = <server's publickey>
Endpoint = <server's ip>:51820
AllowedIPs =
# This is for if you're behind a NAT and
# want the connection to be kept alive.
PersistentKeepalive = 25

Configure the UDM to allow Wireguard through the firewall

This needs to be a WAN LOCAL rule, or it won't work correctly.

Using the Legacy UI web GUI:

Settings --> Routing & Firewall --> Firewall --> WAN LOCAL --> + CREATE NEW RULE

WAN LOCAL firewall rule creation

Rule details

  • Name: Allow Wireguard traffic
  • Enabled: ON
  • Rule Applied: Before predefined rules
  • Action: Accept
  • IPv4 Protocol: UDP
  • Logging: Enable logging
  • Source:
    • IPv4 Address Group: Any
    • Port Group: Any
  • Destination:
    • IPv4 Address Group: Any
    • Port Group: Select CREATE PORT GROUP and add your Wireguard server's listen port (51820 by default)

Then hit SAVE

Wireguard firewall rule

Bring up the Wireguard VPN tunnel

wg-quick up wg0

Verify tunnel

interface: wg0
  public key: aLlio2gTVZts3wTqjl25t4Gs+lRKTnxU+fS3RTnYxG0
  private key: (hidden)
  listening port: 51820

peer: iI48ujukCjfau3jYVBx/90Br0FEIXfnaGkOsi0r8UFI=
  allowed ips:

peer: MAwY7FAyLzaNK2pOyKtX1VrFHyFbIY1fiWM/wUnrLWg=
  allowed ips:


github - tusc / wireguard-kmod https://github.com/tusc/wireguard-kmod

github - boostchicken-dev / udm-utilities https://github.com/boostchicken-dev/udm-utilities/tree/master/on-boot-script